Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Gorgeous Saturday and a Fabulous 5-Miler

Could I be any happier?

In the immortal words of Ice Cube, "I gotta say... Today was a good day." :)

Started off with my long run for the week. Only 5 miles, but I was super proud of myself. It was a slow run, an average of 13 minutes per mile, but I ran the entire time. It's the first time I've run that long without stopping! Normally, I would run a mile, walk a but, run some more, walk a bit, and so on. It's funny how even running/walking would be faster than what I am doing now, but I am constantly running. I'm a happy girl. It was 37 degrees - perfect for running - and absolutely beautiful. Clear blue sky, slight wind, and bright sunshine overhead.

My splits are pathetic, but I'm proud of myself, so I'm showing them anyway:

You can tell how miles 2 & 3 were almost steadily uphill, then I turned around and came right back down. It took effort to run slowly downhill! Here's the elevation map for the run today (so you understand why so slow for part of it!):

Afterwards, I met a friend at Starbucks for breakfast (the oatmeal and brown sugar, plus a skinny cinnamon dolce latte!) and then went shopping. At Old Navy, I bought some much-needed running shirts. There's only so many times you can run in a tech shirt. I like bright colors! Even better - they were on sale for about five bucks apiece!
I also got a new shirt. I have a mild obsession with stripes, so I couldn't say no!
And after shopping, I took advantage of the weather:
Yep. Sat outside in my jeans and bare feet, with my Women's Health magazine. I also surveyed my backyard. I moved into my house a year ago and have done nothing to the yard yet. But I am starting to dream. I have a very big yard so there's lots of potential. But right now, it's a big expanse of patchy, half-dead grass!
Here's another view of the yard, this time from the back of the yard looking towards the house:
(Also, I recently had the exterior of my house painted. It looks so much better than it did before!).
After my time in the sun, I walked around Home Depot and snapped some pictures of the plants I wanted to use in my yard. After that came a haircut, which I would show you, except my makeup is off, and I wouldn't want to subject you guys to that horror. :)

All in all, a pretty fabulous day.
Running Log powered by RunningAHEAD

Today's food:
Breakfast: Starbucks oatmeal with brown sugar, skinny cinnamon dolce latte
Lunch: Panera chicken noodle soup in a bread bowl, followed by 5-Spot frozen yogurt - yum!
Snack: almonds, protein drink
Dinner: Chick Fil A grilled nuggets, grilled asparagus, strawberries
Snack: 2 mini York peppermint patties


  1. Sounds like a great way to spend a Saturday! You did awesome on your run, you definitely should be proud :)!

    1. Thanks! I WAS proud. Excited for the next long run. They're definitely my favorite runs of the week!

  2. Wonderful saturday & way to go on your 5-miler! I love finding good deals on shirts and can wear out and workout in and Old Navy always has good deals.

    1. Thanks, Ari! Old Navy has some of my favorite workout gear. I LOVE their sports bras. So comfortable!

  3. Congratulations on running all five miles, that is so awesome! I swear I actually hate going downhill more than up. Your food logs always look so good, I REALLY need to start being better about mine. Have a great Sunday.

    1. Thanks, honey! I try to do well with my food, but sometimes... Sometimes it just gets ugly! Downhills make my shins hurt badly! My lungs hate the uphills, but my legs hate the downhills. It's a win-win situation! ;)

  4. Holy smokes! I don't think I would have braved the 2-mile long hill. Way to go on a great run!

    1. Thanks, Katie! My goal is to, one day in the future, tackle that hill and do 2 miles of hill with both miles under 11 minutes. We shall see!
