Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Sleepless Night of Tornadoes = No Run Today!


No run this morning. I made the executive decision. Last night was a horrific evening of storms. I was very fortunate in that there was no damage to my house or right near me. However, I was awakened at midnight, 2:00 AM, and 4:00 with tornado warnings. Each time the text message woke me up, I'd turn on the TV, discover there was a supercell capable of producing a tornado right over my area, sigh, and heave myself out of bed. I live in a two-story house, so I refuse to stay upstairs during a warning. I grabbed my 17-year-old cat, my Macbook, my iPhone, and my Kindle (all the fine things in life!) and headed downstairs to my tornado room, which is a closet built in under my stairs. I'd sit there for 30 - 45 minutes, too scared to relax and try to sleep on the floor. Then, when it all seemed clear, I went back upstairs, try to sleep, and would wake up to another text message.

Needless to say, on VERY interrupted sleep? I'm not attempting a run today. I will do a mega workout tomorrow morning and call it a weekend. Monday will begun with runs again.

There's a word you need to know -- lilapsophobia. It's a fear of tornadoes.

My name is Amanda, and I am a lilapsophobe. I am totally, irrationally, completely, breathtakingly terrified of tornadoes. So the stress of not knowing whether one would hit last night was just as exhausting as the not sleeping.

But now, as I sit and look at the damage done in other parts of the country from these supercells, I am so grateful for having escaped unscathed. Entire towns have been wiped off the map, 44 deaths this week from tornadic activity... My heart breaks for Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Kentucky, and every other state with damage.


  1. That is so scary, I am glad you are okay. I am the biggest wuss, I couldn't live in an area that has tornadoes.

    I don't blame you for not running. With no sleep it would be miserable. Hope your weekend gets better.

  2. We don't often have majorly bad weather, but when we do, it definitely throws me for a loop! My Saturday was already much better than Friday night, so yay! Thanks! :)

