Sunday, April 15, 2012

A New PR for the 5K and Beer Pong Champion

Saturday morning was the American Cancer Society's 5K. I went with one of my best friends, Jenni, who I have recently gotten into running (I LOVE recruiting new runners!). The last time I ran this race was in April of 2010, and my time was 38:43, with an average pace of 12:31 per mile. This time, I cut my time by two and a half minute, finishing at 36:10, with an average pace of 11:40.

I was pretty happy.

And Jenni rocked it hard, too! It was only her second race ever, the first being about three weeks ago. The first race, she finished in 45 minutes, and this time, she finished in about 42 minutes -- yay!!! I LOVE watching somebody else get bitten by the running bug. :)

After the race, we headed up to my friend Kate's house. Kate's birthday is today (April 15th), so we decided to celebrate it the day before. We also decided to revisit our college days, so we threw a combo birthday party and 1st Annual Beer Pong Championship. But, because we all know that we're old and can't party quite as hard late into the night like we used to be able to, we started the party at noon. By 9:30, I was sound asleep in bed and slept in until 7 this morning. There's something to be said for still getting 10 hours of sleep after drinking. It's great to wake up and feel awesome! :)

Any and all calorie counting was out the window... Um... Kinda like much of last week. :) There were beeritas, the beer of course, chips, jalapeno poppers, wings, hot dogs, pizza, and birthday cake. I paired up with one of my friends' husbands and together, we became the first official beer pong champions. My 32-year-old inner diva can't quite decide if we're super proud of that or if we should maybe keep it on the hush-hush.

Alas, I woke up and realized I absolutely, positively had to jump back on track today. So when Jenni's husband suggested on our drive back home that we stop at Waffle House for breakfast, I was kind of against it.

Not so against it that I actually vocalized it, though. I mean, come on... I do so love me some Waffle House. In fact, most Saturday mornings, before my long runs, it is my pre-run fuel. I just usually feel better about it if I know 8 or 10 miles will be run after eating!

I got my usual favorite -- cheese scrambled eggs, hash browns, and raisin toast. When coming home, I reluctantly opened MyFitnessPal (I mean, I HAD said I was going to get back on track... tracking my craptastic breakfast is a good start!) and I was surprised at how not horrendous it was. I mean, don't get me wrong. It was about 650 calories, out of my total of about 1300 a day, but I was thinking it'd be much closer to 1000 calories or so. This was totally doable. Finished off the day with Fiber One cereal for lunch and dinner (it really is my go-to when I don't have many calories left or I don't have motivation) and even had some BIG Cheezit for a snack and STILL finished with 3 calories left.

I rock so hard sometimes.

I did however prepare for a good food day tomorrow. Made a lean beef hamburger to take for lunch, boiled some okra to take, and poured some Gatorade into a take-along cup. Tomorrow starts the first day of a 4-days-running week. All are low mileage days - 3 miles each day. And it's the first week that instead of a tempo or speedwork run, I just have another easy run. I'm pretty excited.

Oh! I looked at my RunKeeper site today. I have used it since January 2010. I have completed 91 runs using it, totaling 338 miles, with roughly 42,000 calories burned. That is a LOT of beeritas.

Goal for the week -- complete 5 days of staying within calorie limits. I have a family reunion on Saturday and will happily splurge then. But until then, I am going to strengthen my willpower!

How was YOUR weekend?


  1. Way to go increasing your pace and tracking your calories! You really are rocking it girl! It is amazing how much of a difference it makes in reaching your goals when you track your food. It really makes ALL the difference! I hope you have a great week!

  2. I'm not sure which to congratulate you on first, the PR or the beer pong
    championship :P Glad you had such a fun weekend!

  3. Okay, what's beer pong?! ;) But your post made me laugh in many spots--keep up the great work. Hope you had a great week and that your family reunion is a blast!

  4. Just a quick comment to let you know that I’ve nominated you for an award – please check out my blog for details.
    I read your blog all the time and you inspire me and I wanted to let you know!
    Don’t feel like you have to do it but you can if you want.
