Saturday, March 17, 2012

Beautiful Day, But SO NOT a Beautiful Runner!

The last week has just been amazing here in Georgia. Highs in the upper seventies, sunny and just plain gorgeous. So today, I donned capris and a tank top to run in, for the first time in months. I was so excited. Spring fever has hit BIG TIME. I did a 6-mile run, and it was super hard. Surprisingly hard, even. I did the same path I almost always run on and I would find myself struggling at places I KNOW I didn't struggle the last few runs. I don't know if it was just a rough run or if yesterday had something to do with it.

I woke yesterday with a headache. No biggie, happens sometimes. But by 8:20 when my students were coming in, I was perpetually wincing. The overhead lights were way too bright, the students gabbing as they came down the hall were way too loud. I felt way too overstimulated and almost nauseous from the pain. So I got a sub there and headed on home. Made it home and fell face-first on the couch, where I slept for four hours in my jeans and sneakers. Woke up around 2:00, ate some cereal, and slept until 5:00. By the time I woke up the second time, the headache was down to a dull roar, much more like a normal headache. I still managed to stagger to bed, exhausted, at 9:00 last night and slept until 6 this morning. When I opened my eyes this morning, I did so with great trepidation, but fortunately, the headache was completely gone. I'd never had a migraine before, and I hope I never do again. I have no idea if it would have an impact on me today, but for whatever reason, it was a rough run.

But hey, we appreciate the good runs all the better for those bad ones, right?!?!

Running Log powered by RunningAHEAD

My splits for today's runs weren't great (again), but I've come to accept that anytime I run this particular course, I just need to be happy about making it up a monster hill!

My inner diva is doing a little dance, complete with cartwheels, because I ran up that bad boy without stopping, even if it was slow!

After the run, I got back in my car and looked at myself in the rearview mirror. OUCH. Bright red face, these weird little spiral curls soaked with sweat that had plastered themselves to my forehead and cheeks, and this weird white circle around my mouth. No wonder I got strange looks while running. I'm sooooo not a pretty runner. I can't even figure out what the white ring around my mouth means. But whatever it may mean, it's rather unattractive.

Next time, I'll take a picture for you guys. I have to have proof of just how bad it looks when I'm done running, especially in warmer weather! It reminded me of this picture:

Weighed in today, and I was somehow half a pound less than I was two weeks ago. Maybe my days of detox worked! Whatever it was, I am very relieved.

Today is a lazy afternoon. I'm making a running mix for a friend of mine who has just begun running, and generally relaxing before tonight. It's Girls' Night, and we are celebrating St. Patrick's Day at an Italian restaurant tonight. :) But the best part will be AFTER the dinner. We are going to a place called The Chocolate Bar. That's right, it's a bar. That serves chocolate. Wine and chocolate. I may never leave.

I need new running music. Any ideas, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your run. I bet you didn't get enough water with all of the sleeping the day before. I had three migraines last week and I had never had one before. Exercise can induce them and I had really upped my mileage. I hope your next run is better, and congrats on the weight loss! That picture is too cute.
    I always listen to Sexy and I know it (LMFAO) and a lot of Pink. Though I have 16 year old girl taste in music :)
