Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Why is it so hard to get back on track with food???

I've been on Weight Watchers for ten months. I did great with consistently watching what I ate. Saturday was always my splurge day, so any mad cravings I had usually waited until then. And it worked.

I gave myself last week off for my birthday. BIG mistake. While I didn't go crazy with food every day, I definitely ate differently than I normally do. Every meal didn't include some form of lean protein, a fruit or a veggie. I had more carbs than normal (including cereal for dinner a couple times), and definitely more sweets (I'd swing by the candy basket at work a couple times a day and I did so gleefully).

But now, I am trying to get back on track and it is SO HARD. I feel like I am way more hungry than normal. I guess I just need to get myself back into a schedule with my eating? And also, ALL I WANT is carbs. I had to fight with myself not to make a biscuit to have with my lean beef and green beans for dinner tonight. And I had a York peppermint patty, but that wasn't enough. So I ripped open a bag of the tiny size Reese's cups and ate half before pouring the rest out into the trash.

I guess I just have to go cold turkey. Back to my normal diet, with absolutely zero slip-ups for a couple days to get the taste of peanut butter and chocolate out of my mind, huh?

Why does it have to be so hard?

So here's the deal. I'm going to make myself tell you guys EVERYTHING I eat from now until Friday night. Hopefully, three days of detoxing will help me. I also think I need to weigh in on Saturday. I was debating it, because I know I'll be up, but I think I might need the jolt of SEEING the number on the scale higher than it has been.

So (gulp), here we go:
Breakfast: 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal, 1/2 cup skim milk, blueberries
AM Snack: 12 almonds, pear
Lunch: Gorton's tilapia, sweet potato pinwheels, cucumbers, tomatoes, 1/2 boiled egg, and 2 tbs Ken's Light Ranch dressing. After that came some random stress eating, where I popped two Baby Ruth bars and three Butterfinger bars, but not the normal sized ones. The teeny tiniest ones. But STILL!
PM Snack: Apple, protein drink
Dinner: Lean beef, green beans, grape tomatoes, York peppermint patty, 1/2 snack bag of Reese's peanut butter cup minis.

See? A lot of what I eat is decent. I just have to somehow avoid the chocolate. Any ideas to help?

What do you find so hard to refrain from eating in your daily life?


  1. ugh this is the story of my life too! I had pizza, wings, and half a pint of ice cream over super bowl weekend and ever since then it's been a daily struggle for me. What helps me the most is taking a step back and trying to think about WHY I want to eat whatever it is. I'm a mega stress eater and boredom eater. Also, if I just had a bunch of yummy stuff (which is partially why I'm nervous about my bday next week and have a big post coming up on food, etc) it's much easier for me to remember how GOOD it is! I find that if I can cut out sugar for 24-48 hours, I'm usually a LOT better about sticking to healthier options. My other tricks? kettle corn and strawberries. both are tasty enough to feel indulgent but not things I'll go overboard on. Hope that helps and hopefully you'll get back on track soon, but don't beat yourself up about it too much. Each day is a clean slate and a great opportunity =)

  2. I wish I had some great tips to share but I am nowhere near having figured it out! I do think that after you've stayed away from things like chocolate for a few days the cravings subside so maybe just getting it out of the house for a while would help? Personally I know if its there, I'll eat it!
    Like Emily said, don't be too hard on yourself, take it one day (or meal!) at a time and you will get back on track.
